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The Advisory Panel for Caregivers of People with Dementia is one of the activities that best reflects the community involvement component of the IMPACT SALUD project.

This panel, known as LEAP by its acronym in English (Lived Experience Advisory Panel / Lived Experiences Advisory Panel), is made up of caregivers of people with dementia. Its purpose is to share and exchange ideas that lead to a better understanding of the needs of people with dementia and their caregivers, creating spaces for exchange and co-design.

The main objective of LEAP is to generate collaborative work spaces where experiences are shared, needs are better understood and proposals, measures and tools are designed that improve the quality of life of both people with dementia and those who care for them.

This is a pilot experience, which is part of IMPACT SALUD's objective to strengthen health systems in Peru and Latin America using dementia as an indicator. It is designed as four sessions and has proven to have a great impact.


At the beginning of November, the second session of LEAP was held. During this meeting, participants identified and prioritized the main challenges and needs of caregivers and people with dementia in Lima. Nine assistants worked in four key areas:

  1. Emotional and social support
  2. Education and access to resources
  3. Burden of care and personal balance
  4. Impact of diagnosis

The methodology used was the story and creative writing technique, designed to transform experiences into narratives and detect key areas of focus. Each participant created a story that reflected the challenges and needs of their experience as a caregiver.

The result was a set of eight short stories, developed by caregivers, which made it possible to create a list of the main needs of people who care for someone with dementia.


The third session of LEAP took place at the end of November. Based on the findings of the previous session and the list of needs prepared, working groups were formed to generate concrete solution proposals.

The workshop used multimedia tools to materialize the proposals, producing videos, photographs and designs that the participants created during the day. This session was extremely enriching, not only for the quality of the ideas presented, but also for the approach to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the strengthening of ties between the group members.

We want to express our deep gratitude to all participants for their dedication and enthusiasm. Likewise, we warmly welcome the new members of the panel, coming from the Grupo Vigencia Perú.

With these contributions, everything is ready for our fourth and final pilot session.

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